Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sarah's Birthday

This weekend we celebrated Sarah's 34th birthday. I once again enjoyed being away from prison my hotel room and staying at my sister's house. My parents and Andrew came up to visit as well. On Friday evening we ate some cake and watched The Social Network.

On Saturday we went to the mall for a little while and later we continued our tradition of going to the Japanese steakhouse for dinner (we go every year for Sarah's birthday).

Landon did so well at the restaurant but he was a little unsure what to think of the fire. I think he was pretty mesmerized:

Sarah & Brian

Mom & Dad

Andrew & me

Sarah got to hit the gong since it was her birthday.

So now I'm back in my room trying to pass the time until dinner and the Super Bowl. Apparently they are having some sort of "party" for us here this evening.

I'm hoping that this week will go by as quickly as last week did. I've only got one more weekend away and about two weeks (9 days) of classes left. So long for now!

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